Thursday, December 20, 2012

Luigi's Mansion: Introduction

Hey all! This is the first of many Luigi's Mansion Walkthroughs (for GameCube) that I will try to update as often as possible. I've been playing this game for about 13 years now (holy shit!), ever since I was a small child of six going to daycare on the eastern side of Gresham.

It comes with fond memories and by now acts as a source of relaxation in a stress filled college life so I thought that it was finally time to pay tribute to an amazing game and add my own Luigi's Mansion walkthrough to the world.

I'm going to start easy with just a quick run down of the controls and the story. Here we go!

Controls (Standard):

Move - Analog Stick
Rotate Luigi - C Stick
Jump - N/A
Investigate/ Open Things and Doors - A
Turn Off Flashlight - Hold Down B
Look Around With Scanner - X
Scan Something - Press X to open the scanner and then press A to scan something
Map - Y
Move Around Map - Press Y and then use the C Stick to move the camera
Move up and Down Floors on the Map - Press Y and then use the Analog Stick to switch floors
Check Inventory - Z
Suck Things Up With Vacuum - Hold Down R
Shoot Out Elements With Vacuum - Hold Down L (Click it to shoot a ball of the element)

Controls (Sidestep) - The only difference is that Luigi moves from side to side and you cant rotate him to face another direction.

*You can change the controller settings in the Pause Menu (Start).

Story Line Beginning - The game starts with Luigi walking through a dark forest towards a mansion that he supposedly won in a contest. He enters the mansion and after the camera floats around the room for a bit, this is where the game begins. Luigi starts off with nothing but his flashlight. Here's a video of the intro to the game so you can see what I'm talking about.

Game Introduction - Before you can go start sucking up ghosts, you need to complete the little Introductory part of the game. When you first gain control of Luigi, he's standing in the Foyer of the mansion and there is a door covered in thorny vines in front of you. DON'T TOUCH IT! The thorns will hurt you and take some of your life away (Your life is shown with the red heart beating in the bottom left corner). Instead, go up the stairs to your right or left and try to open the two big doors on the landing.

They wont open because you need the key. To get the key, go back downstairs and pick it up after the ghost makes its appearance and drops it. Now the two big doors will open and you can watch the next little video clip in the game.

Here Luigi meets Professor E. Gadd. He tells Luigi that the mansion just appeared out of nowhere a few days before Luigi showed up and is crawling with ghosts. He then tells Luigi that he saw Mario enter the mansion and that he hasn't returned since. He tells Luigi to go after his brother, after he teaches him to fight and capture ghosts.

Complete the tutorial and learn how to use your new Poltergust3000. The maximum number of ghosts you can catch in the training room is 10. Next, E. Gadd will invite you to the Gallery, here you can see empty paintings on the walls and each one represents a boss ghost that you will have to catch. There isn't anything important about the Gallery so you can either go and look around or decline his offer and get on with the game.

Once you're back at the lab, E. Gadd will ask you where you want to go and you can pick: The Mansion, The Training Room, or The Gallery. Click the Mansion to begin your quest to find Mario. This will place you back in the Foyer and a little to the left you can see Toad crying by the stairs. Go over and speak to him.

He'll tell you that Princess Peach sent him and asks you to help him find Mario. Say "Leave it to me!" and he'll become all happy and from then on, will become a save point for you to use whenever you need one.

You'll also notice that the lights in the room will come on after you talk to him, this is a sign that the room is safe and no ghosts will appear or hurt you. Every time you clear a room in the mansion of all of its ghosts, the lights will come on and you can safely look around and travel through it without harm.

A quick thing you can check out while you are in this room is the covered mirror in the right corner by the stairs. Pull the cover off with your vacuum, enter your scanner mode and take a scan of the mirror. The room will pin around and you will find yourself back in the center of the room.


Every time you scan a mirror in the mansion, it will return you safely back to the Foyer, so keep this in mind when you are stuck in a room with no door or a room with enemies that have lowered your health to a dangerous level. It is a great way to keep yourself from getting lost and an easy way to stay safe when you really need to heal.

Well, that's it for this post! My next one should be up soon and it will contain the walkthroughs for the first five rooms you will be traveling through in the mansion. Hope to see you guys again soon! Game on!